Dr. C. S. Lovett’s
February 2025

“Dr. Lovett, I know a time is coming when it will no longer be possible for people to be saved. Since the Bible refers to the Lamb’s Book of Life, does this mean only a specific number of people will be saved? Does the Bible give any hint as to when that might be?”
It is my view the Lord will not return UNTIL the last person named in the “Book of Life” has said “yes” to Jesus. But when will that be? For one thing, it seems certain that when the Lord appears in the sky and descends to earth, He will be bringing every believer with Him! He is “coming with all His saints,” says the apostle Paul (1 Thess. 3:13).
It will be quite a crowd. The entire church gathered out of all the ages, the entire family of God. From this fact, an awesome truth emerges—no one will be saved AFTER the Lord returns in glory! That is a shocker, isn’t it? Especially when we know more than 1000 years of human history remain.
Let’s begin with Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish virgins (Matt. 25:1-13). I won’t repeat the story, but simply recall that five of the ten virgins were prepared for the bridegroom’s return and five were not. When the bridegroom returned unexpectedly, those who were ready went into the feast with him, and those who were not ready were barred from entering. Then came those terrible words—“The door was shut” (vs. 10).
Consider that shut door. Consider also when Jesus gave this parable. His disciples had just asked when and how He was returning. Without a doubt, the purpose of the parable was to teach the believer’s readiness for Jesus’ second coming. This is something people MUST be ready for. If not, they will find that door slammed shut in their faces!
The Bible gives no hint that the door is ever opened again. And that is my biblical basis for saying salvation is no longer possible or available after the Lord Jesus appears in the sky! Thus, one must conclude the Lord will NOT RETURN until the very last person listed in the Lamb’s book is in the fold.
Isn’t that an awesome thought? “But what about the Millennium,” you ask. “Won’t anyone be saved during those 1000 years—even newborn children?”
This is mind-boggling, but when have I withheld the truth just because it was startling or rarely taught? I don’t expect you to accept things merely because I write them, but rather, like the noble Bereans, search the Scriptures and see “whether or not these things are so” (Acts 17:11). As I give my biblical reasons, the Holy Spirit will underline the truth:
1. As I mentioned, the Lord will not return until the last man is saved. The last man, that is, named in the Lamb’s Book (Phil.4:3; Rev. 3:5). At that moment the “Body of Christ” will be complete and the DOOR will be shut! (Matt. 25:10).
2. The Spirit’s sealing work ends when Jesus returns. Why? We are sealed UNTIL the day of redemption (Eph. 1:13,14). That is the day Jesus returns (Rom. 8:23).
3. It is Jesus’ work as the Spirit Baptizer that places people in the “body of Christ” (John 1:33; 1 Cor. 12:13). The instant Jesus returns in the flesh, His ministry as the Spirit of Christ ends. From that point on, no one can be baptized into the “body” (God’s family). How come?
4. Salvation is by faith—yet when Jesus returns, everything is BY SIGHT (including the Millennium). No longer will people be able to place their faith in an unseen Lord. Faith is not possible says the apostle Paul, once Jesus can be seen with the naked eye (Rom. 8:24). And certainly not possible when He returns in power and glory (Matt. 25:31; Rev. 19:16).
5. Very clearly the millennial choice is not a choice for salvation. Its purpose is to prove that God was just in making salvation by faith rather than by sight. The SIGHT METHOD failed in the FIRST EDEN and it will fail again in the LAST EDEN. For after 1000 years under the reign of Christ, the nations of the earth will flock to Satan once he is released (Rev. 20:7-9). This deliberate choice on their part will show that God was perfectly right in CLOSING THE SALVATION DOOR the day Jesus appears in the sky!
You and I live in the amazing age of the Holy Spirit. During this age, Jesus indwells believers via His Spirit (John 14:20,23,26; Acts 2:1-4). Once the Lord returns in a body, He will no longer be available in the Spirit. Thus, no one will be able to “receive” the Spirit, making this age the only time a person can be saved.
But when did this age begin? At Pentecost when the Spirit came to live inside all who believe (1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21). Can we be sure of that? Listen to what Jesus told His disciples:
“It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you” (John 16:7).
Do you see what that means? Jesus cannot be on earth in a body and be in our hearts as the Comforter—at the same time! He had to go away before He could return in the Spirit. Now the reverse of that statement is also true. When Jesus returns, the Comforter can’t stay. This means no one will be able to receive the “Spirit of Christ” and “partake of the divine nature” after that (2 Peter 1:4). No one will ever again receive the righteousness needed to live with a holy God. So how can people be saved after Jesus returns? They can’t.
If the “Book of Life” really contains the names of those “appointed to eternal life” (Acts 13:48), then this age cannot end until the last person listed there has received Jesus and been “born of the Spirit” (John 3:5,6). This is why the Lord Jesus must hold off His return until that last person joins the family. Then the door will be “Shut!”
It seems that if people can’t be saved except by faith—and faith ends when Jesus appears, and every eye can see Him—then the case has been made (Rev. 1:7).
The apostle Paul warned us to expect terrible times before the Lord returns. Those times are all but on us now. So you’d better enjoy your warm bed, hot shower, and full stomach as long as you can. You may think America, which has been so abundantly favored by God, is immune to judgment. But this nation has all but turned its back on Him and He has little reason to spare it now.
The Lord Jesus spoke of this time when He said those who kill us will think they’re doing God a favor (John 16:2). Believe me, the Scripture is clear on this. God is going to shake this world in preparation for His Son’s return. Devastation will be everywhere. The carnage will be horrible (Heb. 12:26-29).
How prepared are you? We need to be prepared for Jesus’ return. Do you know what to expect? Do you have yourself and your family ready? Being ready to stand before the Lord on that day is the one thing. . .
C. S. Lovett
Copyright © 2025 Personal Christianity. All rights reserved.
QUESTION: Dr. Lovett, my dad died of cancer four months ago and my sister can’t let go. She said to me, ‘I know dad is dead, but shouldn’t we be praying for him?’ I know some people believe strongly in praying for the dead. Dad wasn’t a godly man, but maybe our prayers might help. How should I answer her?
ANSWER: Tell her the Bible says, “It is appointed unto men to die once, but after this the judgment” in Hebrews 9:27. There is nothing in between death and the judgment. Even if your dad were a born-again believer, the same would be true. That is the way God has set up the human program. People can pray and pray but nothing could make God change His program.
We receive the gift of eternal life in this life. The moment we put our trust in Jesus, this gift is ours. Once we leave this life, the gift is no longer available. We only go around once and if your dad chose to ignore the gift while it was available to him, there are no second chances after death. It might be best to make sure your sister doesn’t miss her great opportunity to have eternal life. You might show her John 3:36 and ask her if she has or wants eternal life.
“Whosever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.”
FREED FROM BONDAGE: “Your book DEALING WITH THE DEVIL” has done more to free me from bondage and helplessness than any other book I’ve read, outside the Bible itself. Of course, I have battles. So I am totally convinced that this message of deliverance needs to get out to thousands of other Christians who are helplessly bound by this vicious enemy, Satan. I thank God for you and how He has used you to free me!” (M.S.—TX)
THANKFUL: “Brother Lovett: I teach a Bible study group every Wednesday morning. We’re using your LIGHTS ON ROMANS. What a thrill to watch these great truths sink into the receptive minds. I’ll never tire of the sight of seeing eyes light up when the meanings break across their understanding!” (Mrs. J.H.—CA)
LOVETT'S LIGHTS ON ROMANS (2024): 360 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99.
LOVETTS LIGHTS ON ACTS (2023): 407 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99.
LOVETT'S LIGHTS ON THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (2022) 372 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99.
LOVETT'S LIGHTS ON JOHN (2021): 381 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99.
WITNESSING MADE EASY (2019): 213 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $14.99.
DEALING WITH THE DEVIL (2018): 242 PAGES. Available on Amazon.com for $14.99.
THE PREPARED LIFE (2017): 159 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $13.99 and is also available in Kindle form for $7.99.
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