Dr. C. S. Lovett's
December 2024

We come into this world through physical birth and we have human fathers, the fathers of our flesh. We enter the heavenly family in the same way—by birth. But it’s a spiritual birth. So we have two fathers: an earthly father and a heavenly Father. If we feel close to our earthly fathers and call them “dad,” how much more are we likely to call our heavenly Father, “Dad!” He is closer to us and means more to us.
There is a verse in Hebrews that says “Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of our spirits and live?” (Heb. 12:9 ESV).
Our earthly fathers did their best to provide for us and instruct us, but they couldn’t be with us all the time. They had jobs to do, work that took them away from us. So they shared what they could with us. But the Lord lives inside us, as Emerson says: “Closer is He than breathing, nearer than hands and feet.”
Our indwelling Savior never leaves us, but watches over us, working with us around the clock. We are bound to become more intimate with Him than our earthly fathers since He shares the secrets of our hearts. We can discuss things with Him we would not dare mention to our earthly fathers. The Lord sees us at our worst and still thinks we are great!
When you have a Father who accompanies you everywhere you go, helps you make every decision, and shares your every feeling good or bad, you are bound to become the closest of friends. When you finally learn that He loves you so desperately that He died in your place, He easily becomes your reason for living—or should be.
I grew up without a father. My parents were divorced when I was a toddler and I wanted a father so badly. I had a vacuum in my soul. That vacuum created an ache that lasted for years. Well, for 30 years. I was 30 years old when I received Christ as my Savior. I will never forget that day. I had “accidentally” overheard a conversation between some ministers discussing the mechanics of salvation. When I learned from them how simple it was to be saved, I could not wait to get home to tell my wife, Margie. I was so excited, I even forgot to close the car door.
“Margie! Margie! Come with me!” She was in the kitchen at the time. Drying her hands on a towel, she followed me into the living room. I felt I now knew what to do, so we both knelt down and asked the Lord Jesus to come into our hearts!
The joy of that moment was so explosive, I thought the roof would blow off the house. When we rose from our knees, my soul was shouting. The vacuum in my soul was filled and overflowing. The pain was gone! I knew my sins were forgiven, were gone, and I was on my way to heaven. Yet, a great awareness swept over me, I NOW HAD A DAD OF MY OWN!
Do I diminish the glory of God when I look on Him as a real Father? I am convinced He is willing to be that to anyone willing to “draw near” to Him (James 4:8 NASB).
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
We draw near to Him first and then He draws near to us. So if you are waiting for God to draw closer to you so that you might draw closer to Him, you will have a long wait. When it came to your salvation, He did draw you to Himself. Salvation works that way (John 6:44). But when it comes to FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, it is the other way around. We draw close to Him FIRST, AND THEN He draws near to us.
When you get close to the Lord, don’t be surprised if you find yourself calling Him “PAPA” or “Dad.” It may just roll out of you spontaneously, fired by your deep delight in having Him for your Father. Romans 8:15 says, “We have received the Spirit of SONSHIP whereby we cry ABBA! Father!”
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalms 10:11). We see this verse inscribed on plaques. At first glance, it might be taken to say “Be afraid of God.” This is what keeps many believers from drawing close to Him. But that’s not it. This fear is the same fear any child might have of a loving father—the fear to disobey him, to displease him.
We are not to be afraid of God. That would be a terrible thing. You can hardly fellowship with someone you are afraid of. The last thing in the world God wants for His children is for them to be afraid of Him. When we consider another verse, we see the folly of such an idea—“Perfect love casts our all fear” (1 John 4:18). The same verse says, “He that fears, is not made perfect in love.” What are we to fear then?
Soon now, we will all be standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ to have our work evaluated and be assigned our places in His kingdom (2 Cor. 5:10). The place He will give us, will be based on the place we give Him in this life. If we put Him first, ahead of family, fortune, and fun, we will do very well. But if we put earthly comforts and pleasures ahead of Him, we will be sorry.
We are to hear the justice of God. Because in that day the Law of the Harvest will stand. We will get exactly what we deserve. What we have sown is precisely what we will reap. I know some feel the MERCY of God will accommodate a wasted life, but that is not true. The mercy of God does indeed reach down to wash away our sins, but the judgment has nothing to do with sins. It has to do with WORKS, and God’s JUSTICE will see that we get exactly what we deserve.
In salvation that’s not true. We don’t get what we deserve. We get forgiveness instead of hell. But when it comes to our works, we get exactly what we deserve, nothing less, nothing more. The apostle Paul knew this and he described this fear as the “terror of the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:11 KJV). And if any Christian has wasted his earthly life in living for himself and his family, the fear of the Judgment Seat of Christ should absolutely terrorize him.
Here is the Lord’s word on it, “Behold I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, and I will give to every man according to what he has done” (Rev. 22:12).
The Judgment takes place at the coming of the Lord. I want you ready. In fact, it is my job to help you get ready. There are two things I want for you: (1) I want you so confident on that day, you will meet the Lord in the air with a huge smile on your face. (2) I want you to qualify for a good job near Jesus in His kingdom.
Christmas is a good time to share. So when you plan your giving to others, be sure the Lord is included. I am sure He would be pleased with giving more of YOURSELF to Him. Remember. . .
Copyright © 2024 Personal Christianity
SHED LIGHT: “A friend introduced me to your book, DEALING WITH THE DEVIL You are so right—a copy needs to be in every Christian home. I am impressed, it sheds so much light on Satan. We need to know the acts of our enemy in order to resist him. Surely, you were led by the Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord for your obedience.” (I.C.—LA)
PRACTICAL HELP: “I have read many Christian books that were supposed to give help in understanding and living Bible truths, but none has given me the beautiful and practical help as do your books. Never have I found books that made the answers so easy to understand. If I had been introduced to your work years ago, my walk with Christ would have been a lot easier and more joyful. I am recommending your books to everyone, especially the new ones in the Lord. Thank you in Jesus’ name!” (Mrs. I.P.—CO)
STARTING TO OVERCOME: “For the first time in my 13 years as a Christian, I am now starting to be an overcomer. With the wonderful information and help I’ve found in your books, God has shown me how to go about it. Words can’t express my gratitude to our great God for the understanding He’s given you and to you for allowing Him to use you.” (D.C.—CA)
A JOYFUL WITNESS NOW: “I think your book, WITNESSING MADE EASY, was written just for me. I have learned a whole new way of serving the Lord. I’m a witness now. Before the book, I wasn’t! I have learned to invite the Holy Spirit along everywhere I go. I have learned to pray before I say it. There is no stopping me now!” (O.D.—OR)
May you enjoy the Lord’s love and blessings at Christmastime. The reason for the season is Jesus, so remember to share Him!
We are thankful that we have continued our ministry for so many years. We will be here for as long as the Lord allows. We are encouraged by the prayers and encouragement from you who believe in our ministry of help. May each of you experience the joy of the miracle of Christ in you, the hope of glory! (Colossians 1:27).
Blessings from the Lovett Family
LOVETT'S LIGHTS ON ROMANS (2024): 360 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99 HERE.
LOVETTS LIGHTS ON ACTS (2023): 407 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99 HERE.
LOVETT'S LIGHTS ON THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (2022) 372 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99 HERE.
LOVETT'S LIGHTS ON JOHN (2021): 381 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $15.99 HERE.
WITNESSING MADE EASY (2019): 213 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $14.99 HERE.
DEALING WITH THE DEVIL (2018): 242 PAGES. Available on Amazon.com for $14.99 HERE.
THE PREPARED LIFE (2017): 159 pages. Available on Amazon.com for $13.99 and is also available on Kindle for $7.99 HERE.
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“Preparing for His Appearing” Since 1951